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  1. Which character was your favorite? Tristan! I was surprised by how sweet he was. And the way he talked about games. 
  2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color? Yes!
  3. What's your favorite moment in the game? Snuggling with Tristan. Or calling him a lowkey yandere.
  4. Do you want a Mark route? Yes! More of any routes.
  5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced? Also, yes.

Also, wouldn't mind an ending guide-- I keep getting the same (delightful) endings!

Thank you for playing and your comments! Tristan is a big sweetie! 

We also have an ending guide currently in the works - unfortunately, we were unable to have it complete for the jam, but we do plan on having it up eventually :D

That's super understandable. Jams are tough-- and I'm enjoying puzzling out different ends. Thank you for working on a guide. <3 

(1 edit)

Y'all did such an amazing job :') I liked the mc's interactions with her best friend, gushing over the guys, talking about the game. Really curious about what the husbandos look like 

  1. I'm not sure if it's because his route was the last one I played but I really liked the way the romance was developed in Luca's route (his charisma, that voice ahh). But as a character, I'd have to go with Theo. He takes pride in his work, establishes boundaries, loves his family, is honest- I like how he found happiness in his choices (his route seemed the most realistic+satisfying)
  2. Yess!! I enjoyed getting their bad endings the most though.
  3. I have mixed feelings about this but probably the picnic at the graveyard scene. It was really funny seeing the mc and Tristan come to that realisation but seeing Tristan beat himself up later was sad :( aside from that, I enjoyed every scene with the cat in it (I wish adopting him was an option in all the routes)
  4. YES. He is so strange, I am really curious what his deal is. (TBH I thought there would be some connection between him and the cat, like a hidden side perhaps?)
  5. 100%! Luca's voice is heavenly haha (Oh also more of Theo when he scolds the MC haha + confident Tristan at the good end chapter)

edit: I PLAYED MARK'S ROUTE AND HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS 10/10. He's my fav now.  I have a soft spot for reformed LIs.

Love love love all of this! Thank you for downloading! thank you for playing! thank you for taking the time to write to us! The graveyard scene is so good.. both funny and heartbreaking all at once. Luca and his charm really just flutters the heart, doesn’t it? And Theo.. sturdy and solid. A little something for everyone ;). 

Will pass along your comment to Luca’s VA and we’ll definitely let you know when we record a full version 🥹🥹🥹


Luca was my favourite by far. Just love his easygoing manner, but gotta say I wasn't too pleased at the sort of ending bit when he gets that girl's number at the bar and the MC doesn't really get enough of a chance to call him out on that. But I really enjoyed his character development and the ending for him is admittedly very sweet.

I played through both Theo and Luca's routes, but wasn't really feeling it with Tristan. I love the lovably awkward trope but I think in Tristan's case it swung way too awkward for me, and I almost felt a little uncomfortable at points? No fault in the writing! I think his character just wasn't for me.

Favourite moment is probably listening to Luca's music and talking with him in the park. Just adore his personality and mannerisms. Might be a little obsessed at this point!

As for Mark, I think I would potentially enjoy a route like that, but only in the event that he's also rude to the MC instead of seeming to want to get into her pants. His tail-chasing comes off a little objectifying, and I'm not really feeling that vibe.

Overall, I think you guys did an amazing job, especially with the time you had. I appreciated the more mature approach to this game, exploring the themes of having to leave behind the things that make you happy in favour of pragmatism as we get older, and how we can re-examine our lives and rediscover those early loves. I like that the mc has enough self-esteem to say no to certain things or to stand up for herself. Great game :)

Wow, thank you for summing up this game with that last paragraph you wrote. We did what we could to write something that felt very true to a lot of ppl.. and to us. The reality isn’t always pretty, but we can make it whatever we want it to be. Majorly appreciate you for catching that nuance. Thank you for playing! ❤️❤️❤️

  1. Mark (I love a complex character).  But I have to go with the musicians Theo and Luca for the real best bois.  Loved Lucas flintiness and Theo's old school charm.  I usually like bespectacled nerds but  Tristan rubbed me the wrong way.  That "stand up routine" and then what followed just told the story that this guy should be in therapy instead of dating.  Haha.  But dating in the real world you come across a lot of Tristans.  Ugh,

2.  Done!

3. Probably when Theo introduces you to his family.  Too cute.

4. Do I ever and don't you tone down that douchy-ness.  He's awesome with a chip on his shoulder.

5.  I love the voice acting but partial is good enough for me.  Would replay with an android version though.

Thanks guys!  Good job.

Thank you for your comment and feedback! Haha we love your love for Mark - but of course, happy to hear how you liked Theo and Luca! Theo's chapter 5 with his family was very sweet too! 

Don't worry - we'll take notes on the Mark route 😉

Thanks for playing! 😄

Alrighty! I finally got all the endings!

  1. Which character was your favorite? Why? This is really hard and complicated. I almost cannot choose. Normally, I would not like Luca, I would love Tristan, and be most attracted to Theo. That's, funny enough, the order I went in. My point it, I ended up really loving all of them, even Luca, who I didn't think I would at all - he is actually kind of my favourite, I think. So, that's awesome.
  2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color? Yes!
  3. What's your favorite moment in the game? I like the serial killer jokes, I like Luca joking about how he said you could move in, and I like Tristan taking the cat.
  4. Do you want a Mark route? Yes, my answer still stands. Definitely. Hearing the thoughts about the bad hand he was dealt, and seeing how close he and Theo may have been at some point.. I wanna know everything. Just like the other three.
  5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced? Again, my answer still stands! Their voices are wonderful and dreamy. That said, it's perfectly fine the way it is, too! Like, really really.

Other than that, I really loved this game. I would play a million more just like it (same style, UI, quality, etc). This was just truly wonderful, and may easily be in my top ten. Thank you so much for that!

Thank you so much for playing and leaving your comments! We're thrilled that you happened to love all 3 of our boys [Well 5... if you include Mark and the Cat...] 

Luca loves to subvert expectations, so we're happy that he resonated with you as well - also happy to see that it was a struggle picking between all 3 because you liked them all 😄

Also love your thoughts over Mark.

No, thank you, haha. It was so good. I still think about it (to this day, only a couple days later, hahaha). But really, they're each so solid. Normally, I'll save my best/would-be favourite for last.. so the fact that this had me debating for a bit (to where I still cannot quite pick a favourite) means they're all just that good. So, very well-done. I'm excited for a Mark route, if that comes to fruition. And maybe a cat route? Which means "I am a cat lady", obv. (half kidding about cat route).


We’re all cat ladies.. aint no shame

in that game! 😉😉😉😉

hello hello!!! just came here to finish answering the questions. i mean, some of the questions were kinda already answered in my thread/playthrough on twitter but anyway FSJNDFKGJNSDFKJGN

Theo is my favorite. it was since the first time i saw him and it will ever be. the main reason, of course, is his ponytail his personality, and the way he picks luca's iniciative and tristan's passivity and makes it into something more balanced. i like that in people. not too much forward nor too much passive. just taking their time to do things.

and well... to have that opinion i had to play all routes and get all good endings so yes i managed to make everyone regain their color!! ^_^

okay so. favorite moment. that's a hard question, really. i had several favorite moments but i think it were probably when they were discussing life things and talking about their goals and- ok i'm not fooling anyone i loved the cat scenes i admit

and no i'm not interest in a mark route, sorry tsukasayuki KJAENFKJSNFUSEFN

i'm not sure if i would replay it if it were fully voiced. i was already melting and having trouble looking at the screen because i was embarassed (yeah, embarrased by 2D hot men, that's me) so i'm really not sure. sorry :'D

Helen!!! thank you for playing! thank you for all the support from the very beginning of our journey! So happy you love them as much as we love writing them ❤️

Omg I'm dying Helen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 

Trust, I know your thoughts about my Problematic,  red-headed baby. 🥰🥰🥰 seriously though, thank you for playing. Your comments have been such a delight! 

1. Which character was your favorite? Why?

I’m not really sure since I’m not finished but Luca is number 1 right now! His story was really cute (and also the only one I’ve completed lol)

2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?

Just Luca, working on the others. I did manage to get 2 Mark endings tho

3. What's your favorite moment in the game?

 Seeing Luca’s name on the movie credits! It was nice to see that he made it <333

5. Do you want a Mark route?

 Yeth <3333  I enjoyed whenever he was on screen even if it was in a spiteful way when he said something stupid

7. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?

 Yea ofc!! Would replay even without it honestly.


Mark is a little troll - you either love him or hate him 🤣. We're happy to see how much you've enjoyed Luca and can't wait to hear your thoughts on Tristan and Theo! 

We might have a treat for Mark fans in the game file... and something down the road.

I love the art! I haven't finished it up yet but Im enjoying the plot

We're glad that you're enjoying the plot and that you love the art! We can't wait to hear your thoughts over the full game!

I just wanted to stop by and say.. how very dastardly of you: "A hot un-dateable character"... Yeah, you got us pegged. We definitely want a Mark route. Yes, please. Mmmhmm. Please and Thank you.

I haven't played all routes, so I'll save my answers for those in a bit. But I can say that I'd replay the game even if it wasn't fully voiced. Let alone if it was. It's wonderful. Congrats, good job, and thank you for all your hard work!

In regards to your Mark comment: 😏😏😏 
Also thank you very much!

This game was CUTE.AS.HELL. I've had my eyes on it for a while since a saw your sprites on Twitter, I was stopped in my scrolling tracks when I saw the gorgeous drawings. The witing is on par with the designs so I couldn't be more satisfied!

  1. Which character was your favorite? Why?

Tristan got me. I must say I got interested in the game because of Theo's and Luca's looks, but I can't resist a gentle nerd when I meet one. I also felt that his route was the smoothest of the three.

I loved both Theo and Luca as well, however for Luca I feel like the ending was missing something to be entirely satisfying to me. I get that it came with his character, but I would have loved something more official (and a clear "I like you") by the end.

  1. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?

Yes! Getting the good endings wasn't too easy or too hard, perfect for someone like me who usually plays with walkthroughs.

  1. What's your favorite moment in the game?

The steamy moments. Heh.

  1. Do you want a Mark route?

Why not? Not attracted to what we saw of his personnality, but since the writing is great I'd be curious to see how you guys play it out!

  1. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?

I'm not into voice acting, so that wouldn't make me want to replay the game. However, I can see myself playing it again in a few months or a year, as a kind of comfort game for when I need short fluffy stories. 

Thanks for your hard work, it was a really enjoyable experience <3

Thank you for playing! We're so glad to hear your thoughts and definitely appreciate your comments... and glad to hear that the steamy moments were your favorites 😏 We really enjoyed making this game! 

Also, thank you for your words about the writing - our artist is truly amazing, so the writers really worked to match the lovely art!

Thanks for the encouragement for a potential Mark route too! ^^

1. Which character was your favorite? Why?

Gah! Making me choose?!?! I felt a real connection with both Tristan and Theo. Both of them are well-written characters with great routes that left me feeling very happy at the good ends. Plus the va's were fantastic. If I had to choose just one I'd lean toward Tristan. He's just. So. Adorkable. And I absolutely love how his va hit that line at work "Just doing my job. Except not at all..." It was just *chef's kiss* Fake bravado trailing into defeatism, I really admire how they worked those emotions into a short line.

2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?

Of course ;)

3. What's your favorite moment in the game?

Tristan talking about games as love stories, that man is a keeper.

4. Do you want a Mark route?

He'd need one hell of a redemption arc. I mean past trauma is not an excuse to be a creepy turd to everyone

5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?

Well, Tristan's route at least!

And I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you put into the quality of life stuff. Being able to tweak the font and text box helps so much for us with vision quirks and the ability to hide the MC sprite is very thoughtful. Sometimes having a sprite that is too far from how you feel can trigger dysphoric feelings for people who like to self-insert. 

I've been so excited for this games release and it's even better than I hoped, you guys did a great job!!!

Thank you for the review!!! We're glad Tristan took you by surprise :D And thanks for the comments, especially over the user interface - our programmer worked on all of those text options, and we're glad that you appreciate them. So happy you enjoyed this game too! 

And... you might just wait and see about Mark's "Redemption Arc." ^^''


Hiiii! I love your game! I'm not finished with all the routes yet, but I think I'm in love already, so I just have to write some sort of a review, jhjhjk.

1. Theo all the way, he's totally my type. I'm a simp for tall and caring men with long hair.
2. Yup for Theo & Luca, Tristan, here I come.
3.  All the serial killer jokes in Theo's route, lol.
4.  I WOULDN'T SAY NO?  His backstory could be interesting & his voice actor did a great job.
5. I really like the way the MC's written, so I'd be down for a replay. And all the voice actors certainly were great.

Thank you for all the hard work!

Thank you for the review! Theo is such a sweetie, and we enjoyed peppering in all of the serial killer jokes 🤣. Glad you enjoyed those! Hope you enjoy Tristan's route :), and we love that you enjoyed MC. She was quite a treat to write. And our VA cast were wonderful!

As for Mark, he is a problem child for a reason lol 😉


luca. absolutely. bewitched me. heart & soul. and everything else omg he's so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it's rly a sweet story and the CAT the CAT SEALED THE ENTIRE DEAL when i knew he fed the cat i immediately went YEAH. SMASH. (tbh i saw silver hair and /gestures vaguely at everything/ i was like yeah i'm gonna smash that's it....) 

also i thought it was rly interesting, like, the fork between going to the bar vs using the app! not rly sure if there's a big difference but it was like, not one way was better than the other !! 

also re: mark. i feel like his route would be a massive i could fix him kind of route but also like my instincts are telling me i could make him worse instead lol 

sorry this is so messy but AAAAAAAAAAA cute story 10/10 love it !!!

Yaaaay!! So glad you enjoyed the game! And we couldn’t agree more. Luca IS bewitching. Hope you got his good end for the delightful surprise 🤣❤️

The game's art had me all over it since the start of the jam, but seeing everything put together just made it even better!!! ❤️❤️

The game is so much fun and I loved spending time with Tristan 🥰 his fear of screwing up is very relatable 🥺 i want to hug him 😭And omg the CGs are so beautiful!!! 😍

Also! I loved seeing how the other characters appeared in other routes. It gave me a better view of the world building and the bond between them in the story. It was so cool!

You guys did an amazing job!! Congrats on the release!!! 🤗❤️

and yes omg pls!! I'd love a Mark route 👀❤️✨


We love our boo boo bear Tristan and we're glad you do, too <3 Thanks for playing and your review! (And if you're a fan of Mark you might want to double check the files we included with the game download, who knows what you might find 😉)

(3 edits)

1. Theo, though Tristan is a close second! I loved how sweet and earnest he was. I also loved his design. His freckles and ponytail are *chef's kiss*.

2. Yes! <3

3. Well, I really enjoyed the moments where the MC would explain otome games to the LIs lol. It was fun seeing their reactions. Theo completely misunderstanding her at the bar was great, and I thought it was sweet when he listened to her ramble on about them despite not really getting it. 

4. I mean... It'd be interesting to see how he can grow and change.

5. Probably not. I just don’t replay games a lot in general, and I think the game is fine as is. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the voice acting though, because I definitely did! The voices actors did great <3

Also, just wanted to say thank you for such a fun and cute game! I really enjoyed it!


Thank you so much for playing and your kind words! We're glad that you enjoyed it! And yes, Theo is quite the sweetie, supporting MC and her hobbies! <3 

... We enjoy your comment about the Mark route too - people love a good redemption arc. :D

(1 edit)

Congrats on the release, I absolutely loved it! 

1. Tristan was my favorite, I love me a shy nerdy guy. But I liked Theo and Luca as well

2. Yes!

3. It's silly, but my favorite moment is probably when I got blocked for spamming "Keep walking" at Tristan. I actually got up from my computer when he asked me if I was QA. I am one, that is my actual job. I died. I also really liked Tristan's first chapter as a whole, with the standup bit and the conversation after.

4. Kinda lol, I love trash

5. Probably not any time soon, maybe somewhere down the line if I decide to replay the game

We're so glad you enjoyed it! The "keep walking" trick is one of our faves, too. Thanks for taking the time to play our game and for sharing your review ❤️

1. TRISTAN!!! hes exactly my type and i adore him sm <33

2.  nope, not yet! as of now i just finished tristan's good end

3.  any scene that had the cat in it

4. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh from what i've seen of him no

5.  mmmmmm sure! the game as it is is fine for me tho <3

Thank you so much for playing!! and yes, Tristan is softest cinnamon roll. We love him, too!

Ok, I really had such a good time playing this, and it was in the top 3 of the games I was looking forward to from this year's otome jam. I know it's only the 29th so they're not all out yet, but it's my fave I've played so far! Anyway, to answer the questions posed above...

Which character was your favorite? Why?

It's tough to say! Before playing, I was most interested in Tristan. After playing, I guess it's still Tristan, but I also really liked Luca, who surprised me because he was the LI I was the least interested in initially. 

Tristan I liked because he was just adorable. The character design was great, and I loved that he was kind of dorky and awkward and sweet. His whole personality was really endearing. And (spoilers!) he was the only guy to adopt the cat! I'm a sucker for stuff like that lol.

Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?

Yes :)

What's your favorite moment in the game?

I liked (minor spoilers ahead) Tristan's standup routine, (even if it was slightly depressing lol) and Luca dealing with all his "fans."

Do you want a Mark route?

Yes! He's such a little troll, I'm curious what redeeming qualities he has lol

Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?

Definitely. I really enjoyed the voice acting. I think it added a lot, and the actors did a wonderful job.


Thank you!’ wow we’re honored to be in your list of games you were looking forward to! We’re glad you love it!! ❤️❤️❤️


TL,DR: I really enjoyed the game, you should play it too (if you're reading this to decide the answer to that question)

My answers to the postgame questionnaire:

1. Which character was your favorite? Why?

Is it cheating if I pick two of them as my favorite? I liked Tristian and Theo the most :)

Tristian is the one whose route I played first because I knew at first glance that I would like him (I know myself well). Of course his ending would include adopting the cat and having pancakes. Sounds perfect to me. <3

Theo was the second route I played. I didn't go in with any expectations, and was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up connecting with him. In retrospect he might my favorite of the LIs design wise. He is very pretty. :) 

2. Did you manage to make all the guys on the main screen regain their color?

Yes, on my first try too :) On a related note, the little splash texts(?) to describe the endings was a nice touch.

3. What's your favorite moment in the game?

I can't pick just one favorite moment! I can say that Tristian and Theo's introductions were both very memorable for me :D  Obviously I enjoyed the rest of their routes just as much, but it was a very strong start, haha. Oh, and whenever MC explained her love for otome games to the LIs I thought that was very sweet.

OH and in the beginning, when MC calls DoE Human Resources... for some reason I found the name hilarious and I just sat there cracking up for a moment xD

4. Do you want a Mark route?

Nope, not particularly, but I might check it out if one ended up being made.

5. Would you replay the game if it were fully voiced?

I don't generally replay games (and having fully voiced vs partially voiced isn't a huge factor for me personally) so probably not.

Some other thoughts I wanted to voice!

I liked all of the LIs, even if I didn't end up vibing with Luca as much as the other two. Writing wise, I thought it was quite grounded and everything felt very natural. Perhaps it was because MC felt relatable?  I don't know, Even though the game was short, I felt like I got a good picture of the characters and their stories. The art and game design/GUI as a whole was lovely. I appreciated the different font choices and the ability to use a dark mode :) The only critique I would want to make is the sound (just the sound balancing). 

I believe that's everything I'd thought of to say :) Thank you for making this game, and I would be happy to check out anything you might make in the future as well :D


Thank you so much for all the kind words and input! Really appreciate you taking the time to download, play and write all this out. So glad you enjoyed this as much as we enjoyed building it ! :)

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